Trump, GOD, money

Donald Trump’s speech at Iowa on the 29 October got off to a bad start when he couldn’t get the name of the host city right.  He referred to Sioux City in Iowa as Sioux Falls which is located in South Dakota.

He received resounding boos for making the mistake.
Hello to a place where we’ve done very well, Sioux Falls! Thank you very much,” was what he said much to the disappointment of the locals.

He was then corrected by Iowa’s Republican senator Bradley Zaun who walked up on stage, shook his hand and leaned into his ear to say (which could be heard over the microphone) “You’re in Sioux City.”

Trump’s response was, “Oh! Oh!”.

Despite the weak speech, Trump then appeared to try and redeem himself by saying “no way Iowa is voting against Trump.” He then referred to the farm subsidies and his tariffs on Chinese competitors.

He also made fun of GOP rival Nikki Haley who he called “bird brain” and a “highly overrated person”.

Iowa is Trump’s eighth campaign event in more than a month.

Trump Boo Boo

At the same event, he also said that it would be very easy to get back at President Joe Biden after the indictments.

They brought our country to a new level. That allows us to di it to Biden when he gets out, […]. And that would be very easy.

Once you do that, you’ve set yourself on a very downward, very bad path. Very bad path, but a thing like this has never happened before. And I would never had done that until they did something that’s never been done. They indicted a former president. And the only reason they indicted me is that we’re leading him in the polls. We’re killing them,” he said.

According to a Messenger/Harris poll Trump is currently ahead of Biden by a narrow margin of 45 to 41%.

During his speech he also reiterated that the indictments against him are orchestrated by the Justice Department and Biden’s Administration to target him.

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