A kind airhostess went above and beyond the call of duty when she offered to breastfeed a crying infant after its mother ran out of formula milk.
24-year-old Patrisha Organo was on duty on an early morning domestic flight within the Philippines when she approached a helpless passenger and asked if she needed help since her baby was crying hysterically. Organo told the local press:
“As soon as I heard the child’s cry, I knew there had to be something that I could do to help. When the mother told me that she had no formula milk for the child, and I knew that there was none on board, I knew I had to help.”
A mother of a nine-month-old infant herself, Organo said she “knew that I could offer my own milk, as I had been breastfeeding my young child myself, so offered up my services.”
Reporting that the passenger – who had been at the airport all night long – was “thankful” and “relieved” after Organo stepped in, the air hostess said:
“I could only imagine the chaos of those feelings, but as a mother myself I knew the stress she would’ve been going through.The helplessness you feel when you cannot feed your hungry child is horrible, so I had to step in.
“As soon as I could help the baby and the mother I felt so happy – I cannot put into words how fulfilled I felt.”
Organo added: “I knew the flight was going to be special to me, as I had just received a promotion in my role, but I didn’t realise it would be this special. I breastfed a stranger’s baby in flight, and I am just so thankful for the gift of a mother’s milk at times of need.”