Animated series Family Guy makes fun of Harry and Meghan by depicting them as mystery couple who earn millions from Netflix

Royal couple Harry and Meghan became the butt of jokes on the popular cartoon series Family Guy recently. The show produced by Seth MacFarlane has the main character Peter Griffin comparing himself to the royal couple.

Family Guy making fun of Harry and Meghan

Peter Griffin is seen trying to figure out how to get back money owed to him and decides he wants to go it alone just like the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

The cartoon then show the royal couple hanging out by the pool while a butler serves them “million from Netflix”. The butler says, “Sir, your millions from Netflix for… no one know what.” Harry then replies “Put it with the rest of them,” to which Meghan then says “Babe, time to do our daily $250,000 sponsored post for Del Taco.” Harry then says, “I shouldn’t have left the made-up nonsense.

The series is basically making fun of their $100 million deal with Netflix for the docu-series Harry and Meghan as well as the Live to Lead series and Heart of Invictus. The couple also had a $20 million deal with Spotify.

However the deal went south when the Archwell media company launched by them did not make enough content to receive the full payout for the deal which was signed in 2020.

The couple received a lot of flak for their attitude in relation to the deal and Spotify CEO Bill Simmons called them out earlier this year saying they were “f….king grifters”.

Sometime in February this year the couple were also made fun of in a South Park parody. In that clip the duo were shown as the Prince and Princess of Canada who were asking for attention despite claiming to be seeking privacy. The South Park episode was titled “The Worldwide Privacy Tour”,

Family Guy first hit the air in 1999 and is now in its 22nd season.

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