sharm el-sheikh

UN secretary general Antonio Guterres was delivering a speech at the climate summit COP27 which is currently taking place in Egypt’s Sharm el-Sheikh as leaders of various countries gather to raise the issue of climate change and global warming.

“The world is losing the race against the climate crisis, but I am hopeful because of you. You have been relentless in holding decision makers to account,” Antonio Guterres said while reading his written speech as he gave the opening address at a session with former US vice president Al Gore on tracking carbon emissions.

But then he realised that he was delivering the wrong speech.

“I think that I was given the wrong speech,” Antonie Guterres laughed as did the crowd present.

The UN chief then chuckled and started all over again.

“There was a small confusion, I apologise,” Antonio Guterres said informing the crowd that he was due to address a group of young people after the current and that he had been reading the speech that was meant for them.

Watch the video here:

Antonio Guterres was then given the correct speech as the crowd applauded.

High-level talks on scaling up finance for developing countries to green their economies and prepare for global warming impacts began this week at the COP27 climate conference.

At the opening of the two-day Climate Implementation Summit at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, António Guterres called for a historic pact between developed and developing countries to combine capacities, and pivot the world towards reducing carbon emissions, transforming energy systems and avoiding a climate catastrophe.

Humanity has a choice: cooperate or perish. It is either a Climate Solidarity Pact – or a Collective Suicide Pact,” the UN Secretary-General told over 100 world leaders reunited for the first official plenary of the UN Climate Change Conference.

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Secretary-General’s remarks to High-Level opening of COP27