
When you have a hard time dealing with a colleague at work it’s always tempting to throw in the towel and leave your job but that isn’t always a possibility. The best thing you can do is learn effective communication and conflict resolution methods to deal with the situation.

Difficult people may be resistant to feedback, criticism (however constructive) or even your views on things in relation to the company.  Other traits include stubbornness, unwillingness to work as a team, an inability to compromise, being passive aggressive, having poor listening skills, and so on.

The problem is you can’t cut people off when they do this. Simply because what if it was not one but several people, then you end up working in a workplace that makes you just plain unhappy.

In life it’s very often people that are always the hardest to deal with and not the job. Here are a few tips and tricks to get around things and improve the situation:

Here are the six strategies

  1. Ask for a time slot to discuss the issue

Find a suitable time that you can address some of the issues you are having and ask your colleague or superior to please allocate some time for you so that you can put forth what is troubling you. The purpose of this meeting and discussion is to help iron out the issues between both of you.

  1. Stay on the topic and don’t get carried away with past grouses

Don’t go off tangent when addressing the issues at hand. Show you mean business and keep it professional. Do not bring up the past and use words like always and never as that tend to escalate things and make the other party hostile and antagonistic. Similarly never resort to name-calling no matter how you are provoked.

  1. Don’t share details with your office colleagues

Keep personal information to a minimum as that may encourage even more gossip and drama however sometimes some information may be important to divulge to help the other party understand where you are coming from, for example needing extra days off if you are sickly or going in for surgery.

  1. Adopt a listening attitude

Really hear what the other person has to say, don’t interrupt and don’t jump in all the time. They may have a good reason for doing what they did.

  1. Compromise

If you just want a to win, it is very unlikely that you will get anywhere. Be wise and give in if and when you have to.

  1. Don’t react and call a time out if things are getting too heated

Resume the conversation at another time if things are escalating and the other party is unable to have a conversation without being rude or belligerent.

Very often a toxic co-worker may want a reaction out of you. Don’t play into their hands and get triggered. Stay on course and be indifferent if you have to.

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