
NEW YORK — Covid-19 lockdowns completely changed the lifestyles of young people. They got used to spending time alone and doing quieter activities, just like during their grandma era.

And even as life returns to normal, trends for things like knitting and watching old movies persist. This is what internet users are calling their “grandma era,” as young people are embracing living like a granny, practising hobbies often associated with older generations.

It all started with the “coastal grandmother,” the style of dress inspired by that of chic grandmothers on vacation. Since then, grannies and their ways of life continue to be all the rage among young people.

Many TikTokers share their evenings spent crocheting, alone, in front of a romantic movie with a glass of wine, stating that they do not want contact with the outside world. Here, we are far from the cliches of the young generation addicted to their phones.

What is new is that they dare to talk about these pastimes and that nobody is reproaching them for choosing this way of life.

So, the “grandma era” is going mainstream. There’s no longer any need to hide from being introverted, as this quieter life is the talk of social networks.

There’s no hashtag drumming up the buzz, but the term used on TikTok and Twitter accompanied by personal anecdotes.

Take @lululoveslaban, who wrote: “In my grandma era. I enjoy being home early, showered, in bed with some yummy tea & a good book before 9pm. I love it here.”

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