Happily Married

Making a marriage work takes time and effort no matter how long you’ve been married and that is what it takes to build a happily married couple. Even the most secure and stable marriages require time and management.

Here are some useful tips from marriage counselors on keeping your relationship healthy.

Here are the tips for a happily married couple

  1. Never leave the house without saying goodbye

Kiss and hug your spouse before you leave the house. Author of How to Be Happy Partners and psychotherapist Tina B. Tessina says, “Affection keeps the juices flowing and the romance alive.”

  1. Always keep your spouse’s secrets

Don’t imagine that your spouse’s confiding in you is no big deal. “What may seem insignificant, trivial or cute to you may be serious to your partner. Recognize what is important to your partner and don’t discuss it with your friends or family.”

  1. If you want to bring up a complaint, start with acknowledging the good first

Nobody likes hearing what they’re doing wrong so acknowledging something that you like about them first opens up the channel of communication. Relationship coach, Rosalind Sedacca says, “when you need to express criticisms or frustrations with your partner, start with a compliment first. It’s also smart to end with a reminder of something else you like about them. This puts the negative statements in perspective.”

  1. Laugh together even when it’s tough

“If something frustrating is happening, try easing the tension with a bit of humor. Don’t poke fun at your mate, but use shared humor as a way to say. ‘I know this is tough but we’ll get through it,” said Tessina. This will help your partner see you as a soothing and comforting person in the face of adversity.

More Tips For Happily Married Couples

  1. Never stop dating each other

Emotional intelligence coach Bradley K. Ward says, “Never stop dating”. This is one way of keeping the relationship fun and loving.

  1. Understand that love changes over time and that’s ok

You won’t always feel the same way about your spouse and that’s ok. So embrace the change rather than try to turn back time and bring back the past. Clinical psychologist Stephanie J. Wong Phd says, “Many people associate love with the ‘butterflies’ that occur when first dating someone. As time goes one, you may still get butterflies, but it can also evolve to mutual respect, an advanced understanding of each other’s likes and dislikes, and appreciating a partner’s strengths.

  1. Argue to resolve things rather than to win a point

Marriage and licensed family therapist Christine Scott-Hudson MA says, “One thing that can stop a fight in its tracks is to remember that you are on the same team. Don’t go for the low blow or say the inflammatory thing that will only serve to upset or hurt your partners. You love them. You are a team. Act like it. Think, ‘What would resolve this as a win for both of us?’”

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