In another shocking incident of bestiality in India, four men in Mumbai gang-raped a male dog on Nov 17. An animal welfare non-governmental organisation ‘Animals Matter To Me’ (AMTM) which had taken the dog to the veterinarian and cared for the dog, posted on November 21 that dog had succumbed to his injuries on the same day.

The dog had been missing for a day after which he was found in a pool of blood. Dr Ankita Pathak, who was treating the dog said it was is in severe trauma and got scared whenever someone tried to approach it before it died.

“Its private parts are mutilated in such a way that it could not happen unless someone forcibly harmed it. It appears that someone tried to fold its hind legs near the pelvis.” Dr Pathak said.

The veterinarian was trying to stabilise the dog and kept it under medication for the pain. They were also trying to reduce the infection as it was bleeding for an entire day. But the dog unfortunately succumbed to its injury.

The dog was found by an auto driver. The driver said that he was passing by when he heard a dog wail in pain. When he reached the spot where he heard the sound come from, four men who were completely drunk, fled the scene.

Sudha Fernandes, a local resident who used to regularly feed dogs, said that she kept the food near the ailing dog and did not allow anyone to touch him until AMTM came to its rescue. Fernandes said that she has file a police complaint against the perpetrators.