
Since April 2001 it has been more than two decades since the world was introduced to Meteor Garden‘s F4, a Taiwanese boy group consisting of Jerry Yan, Vic Chou, Ken Chu and Vanness Wu.

Meteor Garden is a TV series based on the Japanese manga Hana Yori Dango. In the hit drama series, the four actors star Barbie Hsu (Shan Cai) who comes from a poor background, gets bullied by the famous and rich F4. After the success of the original series, there were spin-offs with Japanese, Korean and Chinese versions. Curious to know what are the F4 members up to now? Read on to find out.

Jerry Yan

Yan is arguably the most popular member of the group. He reportedly starred with Shen Yue, a woman 20 years his junior in Count Your Lucky Stars. The large age gap drew attention and many felt that she should be with a younger man instead. To appear suitable for the younger role, Yan trained hard to look the role and he worked out at least three hours a day and maintained a strict diet. Yan used to date Lin Chi-ling who is now married to Akira, a Japanese star. Yan also previously dated Seanna Chang for two years.

Vanness Wu

This Taiwanese-American singer and actor had a high-profile marriage to Singaporean heiress Arissa Cheo for five years. The two had an on-and-off relationship for seven years but unfortunately, they divorced in 2019. Wu is a multi-talented entertainer who has collaborated with different artists including South Korean star Kangta. Recently his music has not really taken off. Wu appeared in Ip Man 4: The Finale, Undercover Punch and Gun as well as dancing on the third season of Street Dance of China.

Vic Chou

Chou is the epitome of the second lead syndrome as he played Hua Ze Lei who was in love with Shan Cai but loses to Dao Ming Si (Jerry Yan). Despite all of that, Chou is still very popular among the ladies for his gentle demeanour and sad puppy eyes.

After acting in Meteor Garden, in 2013 the actor was nominated and won Best Actor in Taiwan’s prestigious Golden Bell Awards. He also starred in Black & WhiteThe Flame’s Daughter and Poetry of the Song Dynasty which are period films. In 2015, he got married to his girlfriend of four years, Taiwanese actress Reen Yu and they share a baby girl.


Ken Chu

Chu is the least popular member of the group. In 2016 he got hitched to actress Han Wen Wenin where Yan and Wu attended. Chu and Han Wenin has been married for a couple of years but there is no plan for them to have a baby. The actor shared that he suffers from Fibromyalgia and it is due to a genetic problem. Chu does not want to have a baby as he is concerned that his child will inherit his condition. The couple agreed to freeze his wife’s eggs first and consider adopting in the future.

The F4 members have reunited twice since their disbandment. F4 performed their hits Meteor Rain and Di Yi Shi Jian at the Jiangsu TV Spring Festival in 2013. The other time was at Jiangsu TV’s 1001 Night Festival with only Wu in person while the rest were projected on the stage virtually.

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