
There are some people who have a tendency to overthinking when making big decisions but here is a the mindset trick that stops overthinking with just 8 simple words. In a Tik Tok video, anxiety and mindset coach Paul Sheppard outlines a simple meditation technique that was first proposed by Eckhart Tolle in his book the Power of Now.

In his video he talks about how unusual the trick is yet how effective it is. Sheppard says the best way to start is by closing their eyes and taking a deep breath through the belly and breathing out through the mouth.

The Mindset Trend

“Let all the tension go around your face, around your body, around your jaw. And then direct your attention to your thoughts, to your mind. Then ask yourself mentally this one question, ‘I wonder what my next thought will be?’”, said Sheppard.

The idea of this exercise is to be mindful and live completely in the present moment. The reason we overthink is often because of our thoughts, emotions and past experiences. The idea of not being attached to thoughts is to prevent rumination.

Tolle’s says the idea is to be a witness to the emotion and allow them to exist without making any judgement.

The basics of mindfulness mediation

Here’s a basic guide to achieve mindfulness meditation and prevent overthinking and rumination from Tolle’s book The Power of Now

• Be aware of your inner body and mindfulness
• What’s going on inside me right now?
• Pay attention to your breathing
• Accept the world around you exactly as it is
• Focus on your inner body, your aches and pains if any, what part of your body is bothering you in terms of health

“The fact that breath has no form is one of the reasons why breath awareness is an extremely effective way of bringing space into your life, of generating consciousness. It is an excellent meditation object precisely because it is not an object, has no shape of form.”

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