
In quite an unusual pairing, a Pitt-Sandler duo in a film by Noah Baumbach and is part of the filmmaker’s exclusive deal to make movies for Netflix.

Brad Pitt and Adam Sandler are teaming up, that’s something.

The movie is a follow up to his recent film White Noise. Baumbach got the exclusive rights for films from Netflix after his Marriage Story was nominated for six Oscars. Actress Laura Dern also won an award for her role.

Pitt-Sandler Duo

Both Pitt and Sandler released two new films; Hustle and Bullet Train respectively. According to a report in Flickering Myth magazine Bullet Train made $239.3 million.

Both actors come from very different genres. Pitt has always played the action hero and heartthrob while Sandler the comic and goofy nerd. It will be very interesting and exciting to see them come together for a film and fans are eagerly anticipating the film.

Pitt’s last film Babylon with Margot Robbie bombed at the box office. The three hour film only made $5.5 million but it had a budget of $80 million. Still he has Bullet Train to ride on and his other recent film The Lost City also with Sandra Bullock didn’t fare too badly.

Hence, a Pitt-Sandler duo will bring both the tough, romantic guy, together with a goofy nerdy actor.

Bullet Train

The Lost City is an action adventure comedy film which also has Channing Tatum (of Magic Mike fame). Bullock is a romance novelist and Tatum her cover model, in the film both of them are trying to escape a billionaire (played by Daniel Radcliffe) and the find the lost ancient city described in one of her books. The film grossed over $190 million though Pitt doesn’t have a lead role in the film, it’s still something.

Of his co star Sandra Bullock who was both in Lost City and Bullet Train with him, Pitt said. “Sandy is an old friend. She’s a diehard person I could call favors over the years and I have done many, many times and she’s always there.

Her timing was great, she was a great person to have in my ear in a situation like that which is actually kind of intimate. It just worked out really well and she had her film and I got to do a little bit of hers. I think we’ll continue to do the same.”

According to the Daily Mail Pitt and Sandler have in the past come up with an idea to make a film together where the would play quibbling QVC sales people, who argue on-air amid their divorce but nothing has come of it.

We bet cine goers can’t wait for this Pitt-Sandler movie.

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