
KUALA LUMPUR — Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who took office during one of the country’s most fractious and volatile periods, launched a 10-year blueprint to unite the nation this morning.

The National Unity Blueprint 2021-2030 details the government’s action plan to achieve goals set out in the National Unity Policy, which among others, aims to foster national integration based on the key pillars of the Federal Constitution and Rukun Negara.

Muhyiddin said the NUP and the accompanying blueprint were the product of years of efforts put into a plan to make the country more inclusive, tolerant and also “patriotic”.

He stressed that more work had to be done to achieve true integration, citing “imbalances” in how the different races viewed each other even as communal relations appeared harmonious, which to Muhyiddin had been embodied in the way society had responded to the Covid-19 pandemic.