Police charge two men with cheating and falsification of accounts offences to get Government grants

The Police said that on May 6, 33-year-old Xu Shaowen and 32-year-old Lim De Xian of 7W Consultancy Pte Ltd (“7W Consultancy”) were charged in court for their suspected involvement in cheating and falsification related offences in respect to grant applications made under the Professional Conversion Programmes (“PCP”).

The PCP is offered by Workforce Singapore (“WSG”) and administered by the Singapore National Employers Federation (“SNEF”), a programme partner appointed by WSG. PCPs help mid-career professionals, managers, executives and technicians undergo skills conversion and move into new occupations or sectors with opportunities for progression. The grant pay-outs include course fee subsidies and a salary support grant which is computed based on the employee’s monthly salary.

In December 2017, Lim De Xian, who is the sole-director and shareholder of 7W Consultancy, allegedly conspired with Xu Shaowen, a shareholder of the company, to cheat SNEF into disbursing grants amounting to $13,995 through the submission of a false PCP application in Xu Shaowen’s name. The duo had allegedly falsified employment contract and payslips in the PCP application to falsely represent that Xu Shaowen was paid a monthly salary of $5,800.

In April 2018, the duo had also allegedly conspired with a former employee of 7W Consultancy to submit another PCP application which falsely represented that the latter was paid a monthly salary of $5,600. Xu Shaowen is also alleged to have falsified an employment contract to support the application. This application was subsequently withdrawn, and no disbursement was made.

The offence of cheating carries an imprisonment term of up to 10 years and a fine. The offence of falsification of accounts is punishable with an imprisonment term of up to 10 years, or with fine, or both.

The Police said they take a serious stance against the abuse of Government grants and that offenders will be dealt with severely in accordance with the law.