Woman who waited 10 years for baby struggles for life after being stricken with rare childbirth condition

UPDATE: A family member of Norfauziana Bte Nordin said in his Facebook that Norfauziana passed away on 15 April. TISG offers the family of Madam Norfauziana Bte Nordin our deepest condolences.

Facebook user Amanda A Atan said on April 12 that her niece was struggling for life after being stricken with a rare, but serious childbirth condition called Amniotic Fluid Embolism, where her amniotic fluid leaked inside her bloodstream and caused the whole body system to shut down.

She said that her niece, Norfauziana Bte Nordin, waited 10 years to have her baby and hopes that she recovers soon to meet her child.

Amniotic fluid embolism is a rare but serious condition that occurs when amniotic fluid — the fluid that surrounds a baby in the uterus during pregnancy — or fetal material, such as fetal cells, enters the mother’s bloodstream. Some women survive amniotic fluid embolism with no long-term complications of the condition. However, there is a risk of long-term complications including neurological problems because of a lack of oxygen to the brain.

If you’re 35 or older at the time of your child’s birth, you might be at increased risk of amniotic fluid embolism. Placenta problems. Abnormalities in the placenta — the structure that develops in your uterus during pregnancy — might increase your risk of amniotic fluid embolism. The prognosis after amniotic fluid embolism is very poor, and most women do not survive. If patient survives the embolism, most survivors have neurologic deficits.

Amanda’s post about her niece’s condition has gone viral with over 1,500 shares and over 1,400 Facebook users reacting to it.

She said doctors at KKH had to do an emergency C-Section after her niece had trouble breathing and the baby’s heart stopped. The doctors managed to save the baby, but struggled for more than 12 hours to stabilise the critical condition her niece was in before transferring her to SGH. Norfauziana also had excessive internal bleeding as one her thin blood vessels ruptured at her lower pelvis. The Facebook user said specialists at SGH have managed to stop her niece’s internal bleeding and are now working on resetting all her failed organs one by one, beginning with her heart and brain.

Amanda added: “I am humbly seeking for all your prayers for the best of her well-being, in this beautiful month of Ramadhan. We really want her to be able to meet her baby. She waited 10 years for her baby.”