
Following a devastating loss to Kevin Owens during a live event, Batista recently grabbed center stage on social media to ridicule a well-known Bloodline character. Solo Sikoa, a previously unbeaten player on the main roster, was the subject of Batista’s joke.

When Cody Rhodes defeated The Enforcer in the build-up to WrestleMania 39, Sikoa’s perfect record came to an end. The wrestling world laughed and took notice as Batista’s taunt highlighted Sikoa’s past dominance that is now obscured by his losses, especially this most recent one.

Sikoa suffered not one but two straight losses at the hands of KO during the middle of the WWE’s recent holiday tour. After seeing a video of Sikoa’s fight with Owens, Batista’s response was brief but impactful.

The Animal expressed his obvious pleasure at being pummeled by The Prizefighter in such a brief manner. Batista’s four-word statement echoed loudly throughout the wrestling community, perfectly capturing the excitement of seeing dominance in the ring.

Batista’s message

Batista wrote; “Damn! That’s just disrespectful,” an article from mentioned.

After surviving The Bloodline’s attack that kept him out of action, AJ Styles made a spectacular comeback to the WWE, setting his sights on them. Styles took on Solo Sikoa in a much-awaited SmackDown comeback battle, eager to settle the score.

However, in the middle of the heart-pounding match, there was an unexpected absence: Bill Apter, a mysterious character from WWE legend, was noticeably missing from the ringside action.

The arena was charged with intense intensity, but Apter’s expected participation did not materialize. Fans were on edge, wondering why he was not present for this explosive battle between Styles and Sikoa in the squared circle.

“I thought the match was meh. Again, that venom, that spewed from AJ Styles about this guy that cost him all those months of pain and suffering at home and took his money away, that he wasn’t getting paid or anything, and now I’m in the ring with him. Umm, it was a mild fight,” an article from mentioned.

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