Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates said in a CNBC Make It report that AI chatbots are on track to help children learn to read and hone their writing skills in 18 months.
“The AI’s will get to that ability, to be as good a tutor as any human ever could,” said Gates in a keynote address on April 18 at the ASU+GSV Summit in San Diego.
Chatbots like Open AI’s ChatGPT and Google Bard can now compete with human level intelligence.
Bill Gates: Wild Predictions
“Today chatbots have “incredible fluency at being able to read and write, which will soon help them teach students to improve their own reading and writing in ways that technology never could before.
“At first we’ll be most stunned by how it helps with reading – being a reading research assistant – and giving you feedback on writing,” said Gates.
New York Times tech writer, Kevin Rose said that he uses ChatGPT to improve his writing using the AI’s ability to quickly search through style guides online.
Academics have also said that they are taken aback by the chatbots ability to summarize and offer feedback on pieces of text or even write essays.
Gates added that AI technology must improve at reading and recreating human language to better motivate student before it can become a viable tutor.
“If you just took the next 18 months, the AIs will come in as a teacher’s aide and give feedback on writing, And then they will amp up what we’re able to do in math.”
However AI cannot do mathematical calculations and can only solve equations which are already in its datasets. The reason for this is because AI needs improved reasoning abilities to hand the complexity of a math calculation.
Gates feels that the technology will improve tremendously within two years and it would then make private tutoring available to students and would be more affordable and accessible than a human instructor.
“This should be a leveler. Because having access to a tutor is too expensive for most students – especially having that tutor adapt and remember everything that you’ve done and look across your entire body of work.”
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