
You know the saying, when something isn’t right you can feel it in your bones. Well here are a few signs and tell symptoms for how to know when it’s time to end a relationship.

No matter how wonderful a person is, sometimes it is just time to call it quits for a variety of reasons

Here are some points on ending a relationship:

1.The chemistry is off

 Chemistry is just so subjective. If the chemistry is off you may not be as attracted to your partner as you should be and therefore may not be able to reach a level of intimacy that is neccesary.

2.Your core values aren’t the same

If these don’t match it’s very difficult to move forward together. If staying with your partner means ignoring your needs then trouble lies ahead. So don’t forget to honor yourself too.

3.There is something that you just can’t stand on a long-term basis

When he or she is in a bad mood, it’s just intolerable or if they cannot be there for you when you need them but you always are, that’s a no-go too. Simple examples can range from you being neat and tidy to the other person being cluttered and disorganized.

  1. You are never a priority

Sometimes you have to play second fiddle when there are bigger issues at hand, work for instance can sometimes take precedence but if you’re last on the list, after job, friends or other family members, it is time to walk.

  1. Your life goals don’t match

You may have similar interest and even values but if your goals are completely different then it’s time to take stock of things. An obvious example could be if you want kids and your significant other does not. Then you have to decide how important is having kids over the relationship.

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