Not everyone has the boldness to choose what they want to do and pursue their choices but here are some powerful strategies for you to get around. For many people, staying put in their current circumstances is the safest thing to do. They don’t want to “rock the boat.”
But in that spirit of not “rocking the boat,” there is that unhappiness and discontentment. If you’re in that boat, don’t worry. It’s not the end of the world.
Here are a few things you can add to your strategies to survive a job you are not happy about but can’t get out from:
Strategies: Create an office nest
You are working eight hours a day, thus, make your space your own. Beautify your area as much as your company policy permits. Make your space a reflection of your personality.
But you might say, “I’m not a department head who’s got adequate freedom to decorate her space. I’m just a lowly clerk occupying a tiny table in a tiny corner.” Well then, give that tiny corner the face-lift it deserves.
Place flowers on your table or picture frames of your children or hubby. You’ll be surprised how a minuscule touch of creativity can lighten up your daily routine at work.
Don’t change your co-workers
Don’t try to change anyone’s attitude. The least you can do is manage the way you will react to them. If you want to initiate change, then set yourself as an example. Just do what you think is the right thing to do, hoping your actions will somehow wake them up. Don’t let other people’s actions affect you. If conflicts arise, figure out a way to resolve them. If uncomfortable situations are brewing, avoid being a participant in them.
Reward yourself
As part of the strategies, make out a reward for yourself outside of your job then indulge yourself. It can be a relaxing movie or dinner with close friends, hot oil for your hair, or a good body massage. Treat yourself once in a while because you deserve it.
Personal problems must stay personal
When you’re anxious about personal issues, being in high spirits at work will be very tough. Just as you need to detach yourself from work when you’re already home, it’s important to leave personal worries at home so you can focus and be productive at work.
Focus on the positive ALWAYS
Try to spot the things that you like at work, even if they are as mundane as the co-worker sitting next to your table or the nice view from your office window or perhaps the security guard with a smiling face who never forgets to say “Good morning” to you. Remember, YOU create your mindset. If you highlight the positives, you will make your job more pleasurable.
NOTE: The photo above is from Pexels