Elizabeth Hurley

Elizabeth Hurley will soon be appearing in an erotic thriller titled Strictly Confidential. The film is directed by her 21-year-old son, Damien.

The actress will be pictured in a number of revealing outfits and perform intimate scenes with another woman in the film. The eyebrow raising factor here however is not the above mentioned but the fact that the film is directed by her son which many are finding quite odd.

The film revolves around the character of Mia who is haunted by the suicide of her friend. Hurley plays Lily who is seduced by another woman named Natasha. The story is set in the Caribbean and is basically a murder mystery with some eroticism thrown in for good measure.

When the film wrapped up in December 2022, Damien thanked everyone for making his directorial debut a success including his mother on Instagram.

“Everyone involved deserves public declarations of adoration (all of which will come in due course) but right now I want to worship @ElizabethHurley1, who, during the making of my first ever short film back in 2010 (when I was eight) promised me she’ll be in my first feature,” he wrote.

“This has genuinely been the most incredible experience, both professionally and personally. I’ve made lifelong friends and learnt many valuable lessons. I’m so proud of this film and REALLY want to share lot and lots right now (sadly not allowed as nearly every photo I have constrains a huge spoiler lol) but WATCH THIS SPACE.”

Apparently this isn’t unusual for mother and son as Damian is used to taking pictures of his mum in a bikini as he is also her resident photographer for her fashion shoots. Although directing your own mother in raunchy scenes is on another level altogether he appears to have managed quite well.

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The photo above is from Wikipedia