Ellen Gilland

Ellen Gilland, a 76-year-old Florida woman has been accused of killing her terminally ill husband at a hospital in a failed suicide pact. After two weeks of planning the suicide, she shot her husband but didn’t go through with the plan of killing herself.

The latest reports say the 76-year-old woman accused of fatally shooting her terminally ill husband in a Florida hospital was released on $150,000 bond Friday night.

The bedridden husband, Jerry Gilland, 77, was confined at the AdventHealth Hospital in Daytona Beach since January. They both agreed to the suicide, she would kill him and then shoot herself.

Ellen Galland Running Wild?

According to the police report, after hospital workers heard a gunshot coming from Jerry Gilland’s hospital room, they entered and found Ellen Gilland standing beside her husband’s lifeless body in a pool of blood.

She pointed the weapon at the two workers and told them to leave. She said the same to a third staffer who entered the room.

The hospital was put on lockdown and patients were evacuated as Gilland barricaded herself inside of the 11th-floor room for four hours. She never threatened the police, but also didn’t put the gun down. The police were worried about a potential shootout.

An officer’s bodycam video 10 minutes after the shooting showed cops lining the hospital hallway screaming at Gilland to “drop the gun!”

After deploying the flashbang, SWAT teams busted into the room and tried to use a stun gun on Gilland but it failed to subdue her. She fired a single shot into the ceiling before officers could detain her.

She was eventually taken into custody after a SWAT team used a flashbang to disorient her.

The charges

Gilland was originally charged with first-degree murder, however, she was indicted on a lesser charge of assisting self-suicide/manslaughter and aggravated assault of a police officer.

Judge Raul Zambrano granted Gilland a $150,000 bond and ordered her to not have access to any guns, weapons, or ammunition, according to WFTV.

He also said she cannot visit any hospitals unless she was experiencing a medical emergency, the television station reported.

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 NOTE” The Photo of the 76-year-old Ellen Gilland as she enters courtroom is from a YouTube Screengrab