Flight attendants

Flight attendants have the things they do not like while doing their jobs and senior flight attendant Jay Roberts used to work for Emirates and he spoke about some of the worst things that people can do on a flight.

“The main thing that a passenger can do to start out on the wrong foot is avoiding eye contact or ignoring a basic greeting when I say hello to them. Besides being rude, it disrespects the crew’s role as safety professionals.”

“If that plane is on fire and needs to be evacuated, I’m going to risk my life and stay behind to make sure you get off safely. Or if you get sick I’m going to be by your side, doing everything I can to save your life, and you can’t even acknowledge I’m standing here saying hello to you?”

Flight attendants nightmare

Another pet peeve for flight attendants is when passengers ask for water while boarding.

“Bottom line – we don’t find it cute, when you stop us from what we’re doing to crack open the seals on the water and cups for a single glass of water.”

Virgin Australia’s Sarah Goodwin also told The Sun newspaper why cabin crew always check your boarding pass when you get on board. “We are actually looking for the destination, your flight number and the date.”

Passengers maybe worried about their seats but Goodwin said for flight attendants its all about making sure they don’t end up at the wrong destination.

“Yes, and people think that it can’t happen but it definitely does. ‘Crew is also checking to see if you are an ABP’”.

Another ex-flight attendant who only wants to be known as Carrie said, “When passengers are boarding, you’re assessing them and seeing if they are an ABP. This stands for an Able-Bodied Passenger, meaning in an emergency and if I needed help, who could I ask.

“At the door, whilst greeting passengers and checking their boarding card, I would make a very quick assessment to see if they were well, coherent, could understand me and looked fit and healthy.”

Three top tips

In a separate interview with Insider a 35-year-old flight attendant who wishes to remain anonymous shared three top tips for passengers.

“If I could give an airline-etiquette PSA, I’d say I wish more passengers knew middle seat armrests are for the middle seat passengers – both of them.”

Dealchecker’s Travel Expert, Rosie Panter also told Cosmopolitan, “It’s universally accepted that the middle seat passenger has drawn the short straw, so they should get the luxury of both armrests.”

Another rather strange piece of advice from flight attendants was for people to never do yoga on a plane.

“If you do yoga in the back galley, your butt is in my face.” Apparently this is a thing as one couple was told off for doing yoga at the back of the plane while another woman left travellers quite stunned after doing the downward dog in the middle of the aisle.”

And the last piece of advice was to never ever remove your shoes when going to the bathroom, the water on the bathroom floor is “pee” said the anonymous attendant who has been with a United States airline for the last 14 years. Would you trust the flight attendants?

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