
Before agreeing to appear in And Just Like That Season 2, Kim Cattrall had a number of conditions, one of which was that she be allowed to film without Sarah Jessica Parker.

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Kim Cattrall had two requisites — first, that she would not act with any of the other girls, and the second was that she didn’t want to see Michael Patrick King.”

“They still need her on the show. But even though this may get fans thinking she’ll be back for the next season; she’ll never do that. She was treated poorly.”

“I’m glad she gets to be the hero … I’m sure it took a lot of massaging to make the cameo happen,” insiders concluded.

A feud from a long time ago

In response to a previous question about whether or not she was still friendly with the SATC women, Cattrall said: “This is really where I take to task the people from Sex and the City, and specifically Sarah Jessica Parker. She could have been friendlier, in my opinion. She certainly could have been nicer. I’m not sure what her problem is.”

As a reaction to Parker’s attempts to console Cattrall when her brother passed away in 2018, Cattrall wrote on Twitter, “I don’t need your love or support at this tragic time @SarahJessicaParker.”

Cattrall on Sarah

‘When will that Sarah Jessica Parker, that hypocrite, leave you alone?’ was a question that Kim’s mother asked her. With that, Kim unashamedly told Parker that her persistent reaching out serves as a stinging reminder of just how vicious she was both then and today.

Not content with what she said to Parker, Kim added, “You aren’t part of my family. Not at all. So, I’m writing to you one last time to tell you to quit using our misfortune to reestablish your ‘good girl’ character,” Kim fumed.

Looks can be very deceiving indeed. It’s just a sitcom after all.

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