
Nicknamed “OG,” this is the person who allegedly leaked classified US military documents that contained sensitive information and national security secrets from the Pentagon.

This person purportedly works for a military base and was described as a lonely young man and a gun aficionado.

The Pentagon Files?

The leaker was part of a chatroom of about two dozen people on Discord – a social media platform that claims to have about 150 million monthly users who shared a love of guns and military gear.

OG’s friend told the Post he would not reveal the identity of the alleged leaker or his/her location to authorities.

“OG” began posting messages to the Discord chatroom last year that referenced military jargon. In the months that followed, the leaker posted messages in which he appeared to transcribe classified information from US documents.

“They were, the friend recalled, what appeared to be near-verbatim transcripts of classified intelligence documents that OG indicated he had brought home from his job on a ‘military base,’ which the friend didn’t identify,” the Post reported.


The report on the Pentagon files went on to describe the Discord server controlled by “OG,” where recently leaked classified documents were posted, as a “pandemic refuge, particularly for teen gamers locked in their houses and cut off from their real-world friends.”

A Discord spokesperson told CNN on Sunday that the company is cooperating with law enforcement on the investigation but didn’t comment further.

“He wanted to ‘keep us in the loop,’” the group member told the Post. And “OG” “seemed to think that his insider knowledge would offer the others’ protection from the troubled world around them,” according to the Post report.

The Discord chatroom, or “server,” disappeared online after news of the leaks from the Pentagon broke last week, according to a CNN review of Discord servers.

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