
With the current legislation about banning certain books, the governor of Illinois, J.B. Pritzker, is retaliating by signing a bill designed to prevent and punish public libraries that ban books. On January 1, 2024, the statute will become operative.

The proposal by Pritzker would bar local libraries that ban book materials due to party or ideological disagreement from receiving any subsidies paid for by the state.

The Pritzker Fight

Libraries must demonstrate that they adhere to the American Library Association‘s Library Bill of Rights or make a public declaration that they will not ban books or the use of contentious library resources.

Pritzker said that in his jurisdiction, people don’t run away from what’s true and right, people are encouraged to embrace it.

The governor believes that the youth shouldn’t be prohibited from recognizing and identifying the realities of the world. He wants them to become individuals of discernment and should be exposed to opinions that diverge from their own, at the same time, be honored with what their country has achieved. He doesn’t want the youth to be indifferent to what lies ahead.

Stava-Murray said Monday at the bill’s signing taking place at a children’s library in downtown Chicago, “While it’s true that kids need guidance, and that some ideas can be objectionable, trying to weaponize local government to force one-size-fits-all standards onto the entire community for reasons of bigotry, or as a substitute for active and involved parenting, is wrong.”

Similarly, Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias clarified that she initiated the legislation in order to stand up and fight for libraries, librarians, and the freedom of speech, particularly at this dangerous moment in the republic.

Giannoulias added that the idea of forbidding books runs against everything the country stands for. It also goes against the aim of education, which is to empower children with independent thought.

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