red flags

The dating world seems to have upgraded its flag levels, from red flags to beige flags.

We know that a red flag is a dealbreaker when it comes to relationships and this can range from anything from being physically abusive, emotionally abusive, lying, cheating, sociopathic, manipulative and the list goes on and on.

People are often told to look for green flags as good and positive signs in your partners, kindness, stability, empathy and many other good qualities that make a person suitable as a significant other.

What are beige flags?

A beige flag is neither red nor green and is like the yellow traffic light where you can take it as warning sign and tread carefully going forward. It’s not neccesarily a problem but it can be a pet peeve and something that gets on your nerves so badly it makes you second guess the relationship.

It can range from obsessive compulsive behaviour to downright bad habits that make you cringe and wonder how you’re going to live with this person despite loving him or her to bits.

Relationship expert and founder of the dating app Wingman, Tina Wilson says, “Beige flags are best described as those little quirks when you start dating someone you notice as a bit off. They might not be dealbreakers like red flags, which are warning signs that shouldn’t be ignored, but are instead odd traits or funny habits which are seen as not ideal by the other person in the relationship.”

The important thing is to not dismiss a person just on the basis of a beige flag as nobody is perfect and this can be just flaws that you can work on to overcome rather than looking for that impossibly perfect person that does not exist.

More Red Flags?

“Modern-day society has conditioned us through popular beauty standards to see things as unacceptable when really, they’re just part of someone’s character. This can stop people from progressing a date to something serious, and you may never know if that person was right for you. The beige flag trend might encourage you to be intolerant to a large majority of people, jeopardizing your future happiness,” says Wilson.

However one man’s meat maybe another man’s poison as what can be so offensive for one person may not even be an issue or go totally unnoticed by another. Everyone has quirks and to the right person it maybe charming while it may be very irritating to someone else. So the way somebody folds their clothes or makes their tea could be just the thing that makes you fall in love with them instead of becoming a beige flag.

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