
A court in Russia held and penalized an American woman after walking with a calf on Moscow’s Red Square, the Russian state-run TASS news agency reported.

Alicia Day, 34, who said she had bought the calf to save it from slaughter, was fined $285 for blocking pedestrians in an unauthorized protest and sentenced to 13 days of “administrative arrest” on another charge of disobeying police orders.

In a video shared by state media, Day said she had a driver bring the calf to Red Square by car, stating, “I wanted to show it a beautiful place in our beautiful country.”

The RIA news agency in Russia said that Day had been living in a suburb of Moscow on a tourist visa and had carried out similar protests in other countries.

In 2019, the Daily Mail newspaper reported that she had “rescued” a pig she named Jixy Pixy from slaughter in western England, brought it to London by taxi, and taken it for walks and restaurant meals, but had to hand it to an animal welfare charity after her landlord discovered she was keeping it in a small apartment.

British newspaper The Sun has described Day as a New York-born “vegan activist” who has moved to Eastern Europe to teach English and had got into trouble for adopting a pig in Warsaw and keeping it in her apartment.

Russia Red Square

One of the oldest and largest squares, the Red Square is located in Moscow, the capital of Russia. Owing to its historic import and the adjacent historical buildings, it is regarded as one of the most famous squares in Europe and the world. It is located in Moscow’s historic center, in the eastern walls of the Kremlin.

It is the city landmark of Moscow, with iconic buildings such as Saint Basil’s Cathedral, Lenin’s Mausoleum, and the GUM. In addition, it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1990.

Likewise, Red Square has been the scene of executions, demonstrations, riots, parades, and speeches. Almost 800,000 square feet (73,000 square meters), it lies directly east of the Kremlin and north of the Moskva River.

2 Facts about the Red Square

 Red Square has nothing to do with the color red

The name of the Square is derived from an Old Russian word “Krasnyi”.

This word means beautiful. The word was used to describe the Square before the 18th century to the late 19th century.

Several of the main squares in cities in Russia were called Krasnaya ploshchad or beautiful square in English. Krasnaya now means red.

The Red Square originally described the small area between St. Basil’s Cathedral, the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin, and the Lobnoye Mesto herald’s platform.

Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich officially extended the name to incorporate the entire square.

The Red Square is rectangular in shape

The Red Square has an almost rectangular shape it is 70 meters wide and 330 meters long. The entire square is 800,000 square feet.

It extends from northwest to southeast along part of the wall of the Kremlin that forms a boundary on the southwest side.

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