
Television personality Sharon Osbourne appeared on Piers Morgan’s show Uncensored looking very slim. She looked significantly different as she sat alongside her family with husband Ozzy, daughter Kelly and son Jack.

Sharon confessed to being really unhappy with her weight loss as even her face structure has changed.

“I didn’t want to go this thin.” Previously, in June, Sharon unveiled she had shed over two stones by using controversial weight loss injections. She had taken the weight loss drug used for diabetes called Ozempic which took about four months for her to see significant weight loss.

Osbourne was at 230 pounds

“In my life, the heaviest I have ever been was 230 pounds and I’m now under a hundred.” She also said the drug caused her to have nausea everyday.

Ssbourne has since stopped the medication saying, “It’s just time to stop. I didn’t actually want to go this thin but it just happened. I’ll probably put it all on again soon!”

The fact that she has spoken about the side effects of Ozempic has been well received. In June on an episode of The Talk she had said that her weight loss journey had been a perilous one.

“It is a mental problem. It really is, apart from, you know when children grow up in a household where the live off chips and pies.

“I was very sick for a couple of months. The first couple of months, I just felt nauseous. Every day I felt nauseous, my stomach was upset, whatever,” she said.

Kris Jenner

Similarly Kris Jenner has also been said to have resorted to Ozempic, as photos of the 67-year-old looking particularly thin on vacation in Italy circulate.

Looking at her picture in an A-line maxi dress with a very small waist, fans made a number of sarcastic comments such as “God works hard but Ozempic works harder,” and “The family that does Ozempic together stays together,” among other brickbats.

Her daughter Khloe Kardashian however has shot back at the trolls saying that the discipline she has practiced over the years in working out should not be undermined. “I get up 5 days a week at 6am to train. Please stop with your assumptions,” said Khloe.

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