
Actor Kevin Sorbo, renowned for his iconic portrayal of the Greek demigod Hercules, has raised a poignant voice against a wave of industry sidelining driven by his Christian convictions and conservative outlook.

In an engaging conversation with Fox News Digital, Sorbo, now 64, peels back the layers of his tumultuous journey from stardom to exile, shedding light on a reality that’s both intriguing and unsettling.

Sorbo, Hercules in ‘Exile’

Unveiling his role as an unwitting pioneer in the “cancel culture” phenomenon, Sorbo recounts how his career trajectory shifted dramatically as he ventured into the realm of social media, expressing his blend of political and religious beliefs.

As Sorbo reflects on the past, he opens up about a disheartening ordeal—being discarded by his agent and manager, a situation he attributes to his virtual ostracization within the entertainment universe.

“It was sad to me, you know, my manager and agent for so many years said that we can’t get you jobs anymore, work with you because of you being a Christian, being a conservative,” Sorbo recalled with a mixture of disappointment and resolve.

“And I almost had to laugh at that because it’s an industry that screams for tolerance, and yet it’s a one-way street. It screams for freedom of speech. But Hollywood’s a one-way street as well. And that’s just too bad, you know. But I love the industry. I love the movies and TV,” Sorbo expressed.

“We have such a huge divide in our country right now, and it’s perpetuated by the mainstream media, perpetuated by movies, TV. I don’t harbor that kind of anger and hatred toward people. I have a different point of view,” Sorbo reflected, shedding light on his approach to the current societal discourse.

Public narratives

The conversation also touched upon social media platforms’ role in shaping public narratives. Sorbo humorously recalled his encounters with content takedowns on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn, underscoring his belief that these platforms, while champions of connectivity, sometimes appear reticent to confront truths that challenge the status quo.

“Even LinkedIn took me down,” Sorbo said with a laugh. “They don’t like the truth. The truth is too difficult for some people to take.”

Kevin Sorbo’s story stands as a testament to the ongoing dialogue between entertainment, belief, and the ever-evolving concept of acceptance.

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