Mental Resilience

Just like you can train your muscles to improve physical strength, you can also train your mental muscles with some basic and simple self care methods to build your mental resilience . All of us go through days where we feel overwhelmed by events that take place but we need to keep a steady hand on our emotional wellbeing at all times.

In an interview with Fit&Well injury specialist and founder of the National Biomechanics Institute Dr Rami Hashish defines mental strength as “a set of intrinsic attributes that help someone navigate and persevere in difficult situations.

“Those who have developed mental strength still experience negativity of barriers, but they’ve harnessed coping mechanisms or a skill set that helps them navigate it while staying mentally ‘strong’.”

This can be developed by practicing a set of mindset tools. According to a study in Frontiers of Psychology, mental resilience is linked to ‘various positive psychological traits’ including efficient coping strategies and positive outcomes across education and sports performance.

It also depends on genetic factors with some people having more mental resilience than others but it can still be developed and cultivated.

“Mental strength could be improved through various means. Self care is an ongoing process, so anyone learning to increase mental strength should try various techniques and choose what works for them.”

The benefits of increasing mental resilience include reduced anxiety and stress levels, improved motivation, mood, self-awareness and adaptability. It even improves sleep.

This can be done with the following; practicing mindfulness, trying something new everyday, writing in a journal daily and exercising are just some of the methods.

Dr Hashish says the link between exercise and building mental strength cannot be underestimated.

“When someone is anxious, depressed, or down, they have a greater tendency to give in to a difficult situation. Whereas it someone feels confident and void of anxiety or depression, they have a greater tendency to tackle challenges and brainstorm difficult situations. Considering exercise has been shown to improve self esteem and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, the benefits of exercise on mental strength are evident.”

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