Super fake

In recent years, we have seen the rise in super fake designer products that try to emulate the latest Gucci, Chanel and even Hermes bags. Furthermore, there are bold claims that upper class women are one of their largest customers. However, many are attributing this to the rising cost of designer products. 

According to ABC News, counterfeit handbags have been a persistent issue in the fashion industry. Furthermore, the latest “superfakes” raise the stakes in mimicking high-end originals almost imperceptibly. These sophisticated replicas blur the lines between genuine luxury items and counterfeit goods.

Unfortunately, this makes it increasingly challenging for consumers to distinguish between them. Imagine carrying what seems to be a $100,000 Hermès Kelly bag, only to discover it’s a meticulously crafted imitation worth far less. This emergence of superfakes is sparking debates on the ethics of counterfeit products. 

Furthermore, it raises the question about the true value of luxury items with their often exorbitant price tags.

Are super fakes affecting the second hand market for designer goods? 

How good are superfakes?
by inhandbags

Several redditors are discussing the validity and ethics in purchasing a super fake item. This is especially concerning to those who frequently shop in the second hand market for their luxury goods. Furthermore, one of the ways for fashion lovers to save costs is to buy pre-owned items. Unfortunately for them, the market is quite saturated with these super fakes as well. 

by from discussion

In addition to this, others are stating that this is precisely the reason why they are refusing to purchase a second hand item. There are an abundance of stories regarding customers purchasing a bag not fully knowing it was a fake. However, these second hand retailers at times can’t even differentiate the difference. 

Just a few years ago, the Real Real was in hot waters for allegedly selling fake goods. This is most likely due to them not authenticating the products with the proper methods according to reports

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