Valerie J

A human resource employee has shared the top rules for what should be completely avoided at the workplace.

Valerie J offered advice to employees and here are seven key takeaways based on her experience being in the industry for nearly 10 years. Other online users were split in their opinions.

This is users had to say on Valerie J advice:

Don’t get too personal with your co-workers and share details about your personal life.

“Sharing too much does not do you any good at any point in your career. Especially when you know that you’re trying to move up [and] you’re trying to establish yourself as a reputable person within the company, do not over share. It will only come back to haunt you.”

Do not be overly humble. Humility in the workplace doesn’t always work

Valerie said that she once believed that being humble in the workplace would get her far in her career however work ethic matters more than personality and success leaves no room for humility.

“You will never catch me being humble ever again. So many successful women I work with are far from humble and will literally make sure that their presence is felt,” she said.

Don’t stick around too long for company events 

Valerie advises people not to stay too long at company events. “The truth is people start drinking, stuff starts happening and I do no want to be associated with it.

There’s no need to share your age either

Another piece of advice is for people to keep their ages to themselves. “I clearly look young so that’s already somewhat of a disadvantage in a corporate environment because people do tend to judge and think, ‘oh, you have your whole life ahead of you,” she reveals.   

Don’t have extreme emotional reactions to things

Engaging in over the top emotions is not going to help. This includes both extremes of anger and being overly excited right up to being silent and completely anti-social. Both are unacceptable and won’t get you far in your career.

“I’m not saying don’t be yourself but balance is everything.”

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