
Knowing how to use ChatGPT and AI technology is all well and good but making sure it’s used in the right way is another thing altogether. If you want to move away from the mediocre and have great mastery over your work, play or creative endeavors it is important to figure out exactly what prompts should be used and how to phrase them.

AI developer Lucas Pimentel says that he is a “prompt junkie” and he uses AI to solve business problems. He says that “creating good prompts is easy when you follow the right framework and take out the guesswork.”

ChatGPT can be many things so you need to teach it to work for you. “Assigning a role to your AI counterpart will make them adopt the behaviour of the role you assign. You will realise that the overarching theme of a good prompt is to control the behaviour of the AI, while giving it enough room to be creative. It is a hard balance to strike.”

The ChatGPT Prompts

To perfect the prompts, tell the AI that you want you to have instructions that are clear, descriptive and accurate for the task. The more comprehensive your prompt, the better the results will be.

There is a big difference between saying, “Write me a blog post” and “Write me a six paragraph first-person blog post designed for an audience of cat lovers, that includes a funny story, ends with a question, shares that I have a ginger cat called Orlando and mentions [brand name] cat food.”

“You can even break down bigger tasks into smaller ones.” You can also include writing style and purpose or any background information that you think may be relevant because context matters.

“Include everything in your prompt that you think will help ChatGPT do a better job.”

Give examples

You can also tell ChatGPT what you don’t want it to do. For example, Don’t use two words when one will suffice.

Try to make the prompt a little better. Think small, iterative changes, not wholesale edits or going back to the drawing board, experts say.

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