
Thanks to the radicalisation of woke culture, it appears that good samaritans may be a thing of the past. This is what Twitter users are thinking after a man was fired for recording thieves stealing $500 worth of detergents. Furthermore, conservatives are blaming woke policies that are enabling people to steal with ease. 

The Mirror states, Santino Burrola quickly sprang into action when he was aware of an ongoing theft. Furthermore, he was able to capture the chaotic scene on video. According to Mr. Burrola’s account, he was witnessing a man already making his way out with a food cart full of laundry detergents and scent boosters. 

However, without hesitation, his first instinct was to record the incident. The footage depicts Burrola approaching the group as they hurriedly load the stolen items into their vehicle. Unfortunately, following the incident, he was told that he is receiving a suspension. He then lost his job the following week. 

Man lost his job after recording thieves for stealing detergents 

Twitter users are stating that it is unfair that those who are trying to do good are getting punishments for their actions. Furthemore, the user adds that those who are trying to prevent crimes are getting penalized. It is a scary observation, but it seems that this is the more popular option for these corporations to deal with issues like these. 

Woke individuals are showing their agreement towards the man losing his job. In addition to this, they are claiming that retail training is literally telling their workers not to indulge themselves in this. However, conservatives are showing their disagreement towards this sentiment. The injustice is that a person is able to steal hundreds of dollars easily while honest individuals have to work hard for the same items. 


Furthermore, other users are sharing their experiences with those who are the heroes of their communities. At another location, a similar incident was occurring and a good samaritan was trying to stop said thief. Unfortunately, the good samaritan was killed after a car hit them. Regardless, merchandise is not worth anyone risking their lives for, no matter the cost.

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