presidential bid, fake prosecutors

Renowned lawyer Michael Moore provided insights into the ongoing legal proceedings involving former President Donald Trump, emphasizing the significance of recent testimonies in connecting critical dots.

Moore highlighted the focus on whether Trump falsified records related to federal election law, noting the evolving nature of the case.

“Some of the statements made about this witch hunt on CNN, fake news CNN: Michael Moore said the proval [sic] of falsifying records has not been accomplished,” he stated. “On ‘Good Morning America,’ they said we heard that expense payments to lawyers are legal expenses.”

Trump takes fake prosecutors to task

In response, Trump vehemently asserted his innocence, categorically denying any wrongdoing. He emphasized that the recorded expenses were accurately categorized as “Legal Expenses” and criticized the prosecutors for what he deemed as baseless accusations.

The exchange underscores the intensity surrounding the legal battle, with Trump’s rebuttal reflecting his firm stance amid mounting scrutiny. As the case progresses, all eyes remain on the courtroom, awaiting further developments in this high-profile matter.

“So with all that’s going on they have no case. Every single legal scholar that I see, maybe there’s somebody out there some whack job, but virtually everyone that I’ve seen have said that there’s absolutely no case. It’s a case that shouldn’t have been brought,” Trump said. “The previous DA wouldn’t bring it. Bragg didn’t want to bring it and then he brought it because I’m running.”

Trump made the remarks outside of the courthouse in New York amid Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of the former president for allegedly falsifying business records.

Cover Photo: DepositPhotos

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