child gender discrimination

One of the biggest concerns that is a topic among conservatives is relating to the gender transition among children. Furthermore, most are seeing transitioning as something unnecessary, especially if the child is as young as two years old. 

According to Fox News, the approval of SB 613 by the Republican governor on Monday will result in significant implications for healthcare professionals. The legislation now makes it a felony for practitioners to administer gender surgery, puberty-blocking drugs, or hormone treatments that disrupt or delay natural puberty to individuals under the age of 18. 

Furthermore, any medical procedures or medications intended for facilitating gender transition are also prohibited. Those found guilty of violating this law can face severe consequences.This includes the potential revocation of their medical licenses or legal actions.

Twitter users react with joy over the banning of child gender transitions. 


There are concerns towards the matter as if it’s a felony in Oklahoma, does this mean that it is completely fine in other states? The idea of doctors prescribing a plethora of drugs to kids is not one that many are agreeing with. There are other states that are trying to legalise such surgeries on kids as young as 15 years old. 

Following that, others are stating that it’s not that hard for an individual to wait until they are 18 years old to transition. Another adds that individuals over the age of 25 are the only ones who can choose to do so. This is due to the person stating that the brain is fully developed when an individual is 25 years old.


There are some attacks towards the LGBTQ+ community for this whole ordeal. One user states that in the 1990s, the community then simply wants equal rights. However, now, we have talks on having life changing surgeries on minors in the name of the community. 

Another user responds by saying that even the members of said LGBTQ+ community are against this idea. It is blowing out of proportion, and many agree that parents should be the ones knowing what is going on with their own children. 

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