
Jeffrey Marsh has been heavily criticised by the conservatives and centrists for their desire to talk to children on patreon. Having almost 700,000 followers on TikTok, Jeffrey would appear to be quite influential. 

Recently, Marsh got into hot waters for talking about female periods. The TikToker identifies themself as non-binary, and is imposing it on the community. They stated that due to him being non binary is the cause of them not getting periods. This angered a large portion of feminists on Twitter and TikTok. 

Jeffrey Marsh encouraging children to alienate their parents? 

Furthermore, Jeffrey identifies as transgender, even though they did not technically change their gender in any form. The video posted on Twitter shows another TikToker who responded by saying that they should stop talking to children. 


There are statements that he was not targeting children in any way. In fact, Jeffrey fans claim that he is targeting adults, but his descriptions never said that it is for adults. Another netizen stated that Jeffrey’s videos are talking about those who have problems with their parents, and most adults would typically be able to solve it on their own. 

Netizens are also calling them out for saying “hey kids” at the beginning of their videos. Furthermore, another person points out that adults who are 40-years-old typically won’t try to run away from their 75-year-old mothers. 


There are some potentially transphobic comments of people asking how they are “inspirational.” Another replied by stating that 14-year-old kids would see them as an inspiration. This opinion is a subjective matter as a person transitioning from one gender to another can be inspiring to some, but others might not think it as such. 


The woman who called out Jeffrey has received an excess amount of hatred for her body size and clothing choices. A netizen points out that these people preach themselves to be inclusive and tolerant. Yet at the same time, these very people are cyberbullying others with different perspectives. 

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