
A controversial request has happened in Oregon. For most of us, we would understand that a 1-year-old child would not know much about anything let alone about their gender identity. Furthermore, conservatives joked that when they were that age, their gender identities were either of a fire truck or a dinosaur. However, our woke culture is pushing hard for children to consider a change in their gender. 

Professional medical websites are making statements that say a toddler can question their own gender identity. Mayoclinic states, for parents navigating questions on toddler gender identity, understanding and support are key. 

Gender identity, distinct from sex assigned at birth, emerges as an internal sense of being male, female, or nonbinary. Transgender children, whose gender doesn’t align with their assigned sex, may express themselves strongly.

Seek healthcare providers and therapists knowledgeable in transgender needs. Social transitioning, involving changes in name, pronouns, and appearance, requires careful planning and advocacy. 

Is this the new priority for our future children? Conservative Americans are obviously against it, as a toddler would probably not know what they really want aside from new toys and food. 

Conservatives angry after knowing 1-year-old toddler in Oregon required to give out gender identity and pronouns 

X users state that liberals are proving to everyone that their intention is to groom children from a young age. Or else, why would they force this ideology down to parents and toddlers. Furthermore, conservatives are campaigning hard for their children to be left alone from peculiar individuals that are mostly liberals. 


In addition to this, conservatives state that it is best for parents to find a child doctor that is not woke. They add that if there is a normal, sane doctor a little further than where you live, it is best to go there instead. But many feel that all of the commercialized industries are slowly turning woke. 

Others implied that insurance premiums have skyrocketed for everyone after the medical industry is emphasizing on gender identity and trans surgeries. For the most part, many are pinning that on Bidenomics. 

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