2SLGBTQ+ Non-binary

For pride month, it appears that talks regarding the LGBTQ+ community are at an all time high. However, conservatives are stating that the community is not at all under oppression. This is allegedly due to a list showing the days of celebrating the community. The list shows that it happens to be over 140 days. 

However, according to GLAAD, there are a number of days regarding the LGBTQ+ awareness, but it’s not more than 100 days. More or less, including pride month, it is over 80 days. It is still quite a lot, but these are not days that are national holidays. It is simply a remembrance day for those selected occasions. 

The list of awareness days that is on GLAAD are representing LGBTQ observances, events such as Black History Month, Latinx Heritage Month, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Women’s History Month, and Indigenous Peoples’ Day. 

Twitter users react to conservative Twitter accounts stating that the LGBTQ+ community is not oppressed 

In addition to this, they state that the community is not under oppression due to having a significant amount of days to celebrate them. Despite this, there are a number of homophobic tweets under that thread. 

One user states that this is a testament to a crumbling society due to the number of days that are meant for the community. Furthermore, conservative users, regardless of their sexuality, state that society should not have a heavy focus on someone’s gender attraction. 


Other users are stating that they are learning more about the community from conservatives rather than actual gay people that they know. Following that, the user states that their own gay friends are not even telling them any of these holidays. However, another user states that the people who are not forcing their awareness and celebration days on to others are normal people. 


Following that, there are replies stating that because of these rhetorics, the community is indeed under oppression. This is due to conservatives that are spreading hateful remarks towards the community daily. However, other Twitter users are stating that the community is the most privileged group in history. 

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