FBI Americans

The term “based” and “redpill” are commonly used by more conservatives or centrists to show that their opinions are correct. However, it seems that nowadays, the FBI is listing these words as “extremism” and that it is racially and ethnically against minorities in the United States. 

BPR states, the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project submits a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to reveal FBI documents containing glossaries that contain certain terms. The Oversight Project tweets that these documents show how the FBI equates online speech with violence. Unfortunately, using terms such as “based” or “red-pilled” are seen as signs of “Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism.”

The documents include a section on “incels,” or “involuntary celibates.” According to the “threat overview” in the documents, incels may seek to commit violence. This is in support of their belief that society unjustly denies them sexual or romantic attention that they believe they are entitled to. 

Although most incels do not engage in violence, some have been involved in at least five lethal attacks in the United States and Canada, as noted in the documents.

The new definition of extremism? 

It seems to be gaining traction among the conservatives on Twitter. One user claims that she has been “redpilled” well before the internet came into prominence. There are many who are angry at this document from the FBI. Some are even seeing it as the beginning of the end for freedom of speech. 



Another user who is unclear with the definitions decides to ask the other users on the meaning of these. Apparently, redpill means that the individual knows the “truth” but it seems to be in excess as nowadays people tend to view their truths as the real truth. 

A Twitter user with the name Chad states that he can potentially be in the danger list. He simply left a warning for the FBI that he has a number of memes that can potentially be against them. 

Furthermore, there are an array of transphobic comments on the Twitter thread depicting that they are the “extremists” too. It seems that certain keywords, regardless of their original meanings, are to be treated as “dangerous.” 

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