LGB Divorcing, 2SLGBTQI+ Pride Americans

It seems that the LGBTQ+ civil war is gaining momentum as the rise of conservative Lesbians, Gays and Bisexual people are quite apparent. Furthermore, the movement seems to be popular among other conservatives in America. The leftists woke individuals have made themselves push out the very people that were with them in the beginning. 

Recently, a conservative congressman made statements that it is necessary for the LGB to split from the TQ+ group. According to the LGBTQ Nation, congressman George Santos, the sole openly LGBTQ+ Republican in Congress, recently shares a proposal idea for a separation within the LGBTQ+ community, calling for a “DIVORCE” between the “LGB” and “TQIA+” people,. 

He claims that they have different social issues. Santos, who has shown support for anti-transgender laws, and ridicules trans women for their appearance, believes that such a division would benefit the trans community. He states that it is time for everyone to realize the need for this separation. 

LGB’s separation from the TQ+ community receiving immense support 

It appears that the new feminist movements are joining forces with the members of the LGB community. They claim that the TQ+ community’s goal is to erase women in society and for the acceptance of pedophilia. Furthermore, the popular rhetoric among many Americans is that we should not coerce children into thinking that they are another gender.   

There are some users that claim this is still the fault of women and the LGB people. He even compares the LGB people to “N*zis” that complain about the Holocaust. This seems to be an opinion that is among the ultra conservatives. 

Others state that your sexual identity should remain private. There is no need for everyone to scream out who they are sleeping with. Furthermore, the user states that most Americans actually do not care about your personal life. 


There are others that post the justifications for this massive divorce as there are pedophiles trying to hop on the community. As it is, the acronyms are slowly being added year by year, and the pride flag keeps changing its look. The LGB community is adamant that these pedophiles will latch on the Queer community in order to gain prominence, which is something that should be stopped. 

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Photo above is from Wikipedia.