Non-Binary conservatives, child woke

Seemingly, in America, the non-binary culture is rising immensely. However, there are certain individuals who are confused and may not be able to fit in clubs that have been around for hundreds of years. Furthermore, conservatives are vehemently against men guising themselves as non-binary in order to enter women’s spaces. 

According to 19th News, Chi O, Guzmán believes their new sorority is challenging stereotypes, promoting individuality and acceptance. Furthermore, as a nonbinary recruitment chair, they exemplified this principle. 

The sorority aims to support members without pressuring them to conform or please others. Sharing values were crucial for prospective members. However, in May, an email from Chi Omega’s national office raise concerns about Guzmán’s membership. After discussions with national leadership, they receive advice against rushing their membership. However, they did allow them to remain a member privately.

Masculine Non Binary individual rejected from joining a sorority house 

Conservatives on Twitter are brutal towards the non-binary individual. Furthermore, they are stating that this person is not even trying to stop looking like a man. Typically, a non-binary individual would put some effort into them looking different. Users are accusing the individual of wanting to be around naked women. 

In addition to this, Twitter users state that the individual should also feel comfortable joining a fraternity as they are non-binary after all. The strong emphasis that women spaces should remain as such is a popular opinion throughout Twitter. Unfortunately for the individuals who are trans, incidents like these are making their life harder. 


Nowadays, it is mind boggling to see conservatives say that it is okay to be gay. Previously, they were vehemently against same sex marriage. However, with the absurdity of the TQ+ community, it seems that many are considerably liberal than they were before. 

Following that, users are jokingly asking if they can travel back in time to 2015 when society was still “normal”. It appears that many are uncomfortable with how forceful and intolerant certain members of the LGBTQ+ community are. 

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