
It seems that a transgender individual is facing up to 20 years behind bars after she violently threatens her judge and parole officer. Following that, if it isn’t clear enough, many on Twitter are openly transphobic as it is. Unfortunately for the trans community, incidents like these may lead people to go against them. 

According to Reduxx, Theodore Howell, also known as “Tiffany,” 29 years old, is pleading guilty to charges of threatening a judicial officer/juror and engaging in terroristic threatening. The conviction stems from two distinct incidents that took place in March of this year. 

In these incidents, Howell made threats towards his probation officer, Nathan Jeffery, and Judicial Judge Brad Karren. Specifically, Howell sent two text messages to Jeffery, wherein he threatens to stab him the following day. 

Twitter users mocking guilty trans activist for her looks 


Twitter is a platform for both liberals and conservatives to speak their minds candidly. However, it seems that for this case, the conservatives are implying that Howell is severely unattractive. One user even states that “it is always the ones you most expect” implying that individuals looking like her are problematic.


Following that, conservatives are stating their joy after seeing Howell entering a male prison. In addition to this, Twitter users claim that a violent man is sent to the correct prison. It seems that the state of Arkansas is a Republican state and users are stating that red states are generally sane. 

Users are showing their confusions towards Reduxx’s classification of Howell by identifying her as a “trans-identified” male. However, it is a term that is more comfortable towards conservatives in identifying a transgender individual. 

Other users are making possible transphobic comments by stating that the activist is probably suffering from major hormonal imbalance. A Twitter user states that the possibility of Estrogen mixing with Testosterone could possibly lead her to behave as such. However, there aren’t enough studies available to back this statement up. 

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