Black TikToker

Recently, a Black TikToker went viral after her racist rant is under criticism by Twitter users. Furthermore, other minorities are showing a similar sentiment against her, as it is not polite to make racial remarks regarding individuals of another skintone. The most ironic part of this entire story is that she is allegedly dating a White man. 

There is a strange phenomenon where certain individuals are racist to others while dating the very people they “dislike”. According to the Medium, there is a perception that White men are more affectionate and attentive to the needs of their partners. Furthermore, this leads to curiosity about why African American women are increasingly entering relationships with men of different races. 

In addition to this, the portal states that many are finding themselves questioning the dynamics of interracial couples. Furthermore, why would a beautiful Black woman choose to be with a White man? Apparently, it is the norm for some individuals to question such preferences. 

Black TikToker making racist remarks against White people while allegedly dating one


Her whole rant is currently on Twitter. Furthermore, users are stating that it is pretty ironic for her to be dating a White man while making awful remarks about them. Twitter can be harsh, it’s to the point where users are stating that she portrays herself as an activist while dating a “colonizer”. 

In addition to this, users are accusing her of not bothering about the opinions of White people. However, it seems that she does prefer them as boyfriends, which is rather an ironic situation. 

Others state that she merely wants to date a White man in order to dominate one as they are accusing her of having an inferiority complex. Furthermore, Black Twitter users are trashing the TikToker stating that she has entitlement issues. They claim that Black men would not even come close to her simply due to her attitude. 


Following that, Twitter users are stating that hypocrisy cannot stop love. It seems that the average White man tends to fall for women like her. Several of these comments are made by other African Americans who are openly against making rude remarks towards other races. 

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