woke Whiteness Asians White supremacy Black

Nowadays, many on Twitter can agree that the conservatives are more inclusive as everyone who is anti-woke is a White supremacist. Recently, Jemele Hill, a sports journalist, implies that Asians are “carrying the water for White supremacy.” For obvious reasons, this has made Twitter users angry.  

According to the New York Post, Hill expresses her anticipation for the moment when the recipient would discover their role in promoting White supremacy and betraying the Asian American community. Furthermore, the Supreme Court case claims of discrimination against Asian American students. This is asserting that they are of a higher standard in comparison to Black or Hispanic students. 

In addition to this, it is solely due to affirmative action. Furthermore, the complaint against Harvard argues that the university’s policies are disadvantageous to Asian American students. 

Twitter users ANGRY at Black woman for implying Asians are supporting White supremacy 


Following that, users are joking that now Asians are in the category of White people. Conservatives are showing their dismay over the thought of implying that Asians are racist individuals. Furthermore, the main core of the issue is that they are receiving discrimination against their race due to affirmative action. 

Furthermore, Twitter users are stating that Asians also have gotten heavy discrimination against White people in the past. During the second World War, Asians were sent to internment camps in order to contain them. Meanwhile, German Americans were able to roam freely. However, Asians are not complaining about their past as they tend to move on quickly. 


In addition to this, Twitter users state that every other minorities are for the Supreme Court decision other than certain Black individuals. Furthermore, others are stating that having a different opinion should not regard each other as evil or bad. Having different opinions are simply due to the fact that people have different thought processes. 

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