Pete Buttigieg (48012501841)

It seems that this is a never ending story where minorities in the US are oppressed. This is  somewhat true in certain cases. However, the most audacious statement is made by Pete Buttigieg claiming that minorities die in car crashes more, solely due to their race. To some, this may seem like Buttgieg downplaying the actual discrimination that is against American minorities. 

According to Fox News, Buttigieg states, “it is a matter that deserves increased attention, and I am actively working to raise awareness about it. The crisis of roadway fatalities in the United States is staggering, with approximately 40,000 lives lost each year.” 

Following that, he adds, this is a number comparable to gun violence. Moreover, there are significant racial disparities. These disparities are with Black and Brown Americans, tribal citizens, and rural residents being at higher risk of losing their lives as drivers or pedestrians. 

Furthermore, discrimination plays a role in this issue, including the design and construction of roads, access to safe street designs with crosswalks and proper lighting, and disparities in access to such infrastructure. “As a society, we have a responsibility to take action to address these disparities.”

The internet reacts badly to Buttigieg crash statement 

Following that, Conservative Twitter page, Clown World posts the news piece, garnering the attention of a number of conservatives. Furthermore, some are stating that minorities do not have access to having drivers licences. How can this possibly happen to them? For obvious reasons, this comment is satire. 

Now, another user states that the politician’s original comment basically meant that certain locations have roads that are worse than others. This unfortunately correlates to upper class neighbourhoods that tend to be more predominantly “White” than ones of a lower income. Some are stating that rural areas are heavily affected by this problem too, and that this isn’t a racial issue. 


Some are cracking jokes claiming that a highway called them a slur. However, despite the jokes, there should be a way for politicians to address important issues without dividing the American population further. 

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