fat activist airplane airlines CEO conservatives DEI ny

The wokeness is still alive, at least in America as fat activist Jae’lynn Chaney is continuing her fight to make airlines woke. Following that, she states that she refuses to purchase four airplane seats when traveling with her boyfriend. For obvious reasons, conservatives do not find this empowering at all. 

According to the Post Millennial, Chaney expresses her dissatisfaction with airline policies that require obese passengers to pay for an additional seat. She labels them as “discriminatory.” Following that, she argues that individuals of larger size deserve the same dignity and respect from airlines as those with smaller bodies. 

Chaney highlights the disparity in fares, stating that passengers with smaller bodies pay a single fare while larger passengers will have to pay for two seats. This is despite them receiving the same experience. Her petition ordering the FAA to make a new mandate regarding this issue is receiving nearly 20,000 signatures. 

Fat activist receives 20,000 signatures to change airline policy 



Twitter users are stating that the real victims are those passengers who would have to sit next to her. Following that, conservatives feel that thin people will receive discrimination as their weight and sizes are smaller. Airlines tend to overcharge passengers who come in with bags that are overweight, and they feel like passengers should receive the same treatment. 


Furthermore, individuals that were formerly overweight state that losing 100lbs has made them feel physically better. Other users rejoice in the man’s journey to lose weight as it is a commendable achievement. In addition to this, another user states that overeating is just as serious as under-eating. 


Moreover, some are stating that if an individual requires four seats on an airplane, they should rightfully pay the airline for those seats. Other Twitter users are sharing their concerns to those who would have to seat in between the overweight couple as they would definitely be struggling. 


A user states that there will be a time when overweight individuals will interfere with aircraft components. Conservatives are stating that these individuals are paying for the luxury of being fat. In our world of capitalism, the more you consume will directly correlate to the more you’ll have to pay. 

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