
Laura Whaley has more than three million TikTok followers and two million followers on Instagram. Her videos show people how to say things like “I’m not paid enough to do this” and “This isn’t in my job description” in a way that is professional and not alienating to one’s colleagues and bosses.

So just how does she turn these comments that disgruntled employees always lash out because of into diplomatic expressions?

In an interview with Insider she said “I wanted to create an entertaining and relatable way to rethink how to phrase things within a working environment.”

“I’ve always had an interest in communication and how to word things in an effective and appropriate manner, especially within a more formal setting,” she said.

If a co-worker is rude or disrespectful Whaley suggests responding in the following way; “I’m not open to your feedback at this time. Should that change I will let you know.”

Here are some popular issues that get us terribly stuck at work and how to handle and rephrase them (excerpt taken from Insider)

“Stop trying to make me do your work”

Say the following instead; I’m not able to offer your workload as I’m at capacity with my own responsibilities.

“I’m not paid enough to do this”

This falls outside of my current job description but if the opportunity for an expanded role becomes available I’d be happy to discuss adjusting my contract to better align with these new responsibilities.

“I told you so and now this is your problem”

I did previously note that this was a likely outcome. How do yo plan to resolve this?

“I totally forgot about your email”

Thank you for your patience

“I’m going to need a lot more detail”

Please let me know when further details become available as I require more information to complete this task.

“Stop trying to call me before my work day even starts”

If you need to contact me please note that my working hours are at 9am and communications received prior to this will not be seen.

“You’re not paying me enough”

My current level of compensation is not a fair representation of my value and level of input at the company.

“I don’t want to do that”

I believe it would be a better use of company time and focus on other outstanding tasks.

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The photo above is from TikTok