LGBTQ liberals

The origins of the Pride month is for the dedication towards the struggle of the LGBTQ community. However, liberals are taking things up a notch higher by stating that children should be able to observe the “kinks” that consenting adults engage themselves in. This is obviously not helping the community getting acceptance from the general public as certain displays are highly inappropriate for children. 

The Washington Post published an opinion article in 2021 regarding this matter. The article states, the kink community has long been part of Pride, bravely embracing their true selves despite risks. However, debates arise each year about whether kink belongs at Pride, citing concerns about children. 

In addition to this, critics argue that kink creates a sexual environment which is unfit for minors. Twitter users are supporting these claims, emphasizing the presence of young attendees. While it’s important to create a safe space for children at Pride, regulating self-expression doesn’t truly protect them. Forcing conformity may harm rather than benefit our children.

Americans vehemently against liberals wanting children to see adults involving themselves with “kinks” 


Twitter users are accusing the woman who wrote the opinion piece as a “pedophile”. This is due to her wanting her kids to see such displays, regardless of their young age. Furthermore, many are agreeing that decades ago, she would definitely have her children taken away due to endangering her children. 


In addition to this, opinions as such are inviting homophobic remarks from a plethora of individuals. A user states that the + in the LGBTQ+ community is including all the weird sexual degeneracy all together. Furthermore, there are several allegations that the + in the community is in promotion of pedophilia. 


Following that, there are calls on the authorities to step up and arrest adults that encourage children to observe such a scene. Furthermore, Americans are sharing their confusion on why these individuals are not behind bars for their actions. 

Regardless, most conservatives appear to be fine having kids attending pride events. However, they are unhappy if it is overly sexual as children should not have exposure towards certain inappropriate behaviours. 

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