
Drinking coffee, eating three meals a day, exercising are all apparently racism and will support White supremacy. However, now, it seems that the trending topic among the so called “oppressed” olympics is racial inequality for sleep. Yes, sleeping can potentially be racist as well in today’s America. 

According to the Sleep Foundation, recent evidence highlights the existence of health disparities related to sleeping problems among various racial groups. Furthermore, sleep insufficiency is a crucial factor in overall well-being, and it may contribute to other health disparities.

In addition to this, sleep deprivation can increase rates of cardiovascular disease seen in people of color. The field of sleep research regarding racial and ethnic disparities is still evolving, with much to explore and understand. 

Racial inequality of sleep, Twitter users NOT taking LIBERALS seriously anymore

Conservatives are not taking this information well. There are a number of memes popping up on the thread. Following that, a Twitter user posts satirical news headlines. One of them states that scientists are claiming that humanity will run out of things to call racist. Others claim that liberals will still dig up something else. 

In addition to this, several conservatives are expressing their shock and disbelief with this piece of information. A Twitter user states that exercising and staying fit is racist, but are showing their shock that it is the same for sleep. Another user jokes that the next step is either breathing or having a pulse is racist as well.

Twitter users are blaming the Democrats for making Black people think this way. Furthermore, others who had seen actual systematic racism states that almost all of it is gone now. However, it is frustrating to see liberals complaining severely over small things that may not even be racist to begin with. 

Others are even mocking Martin Luther King Jr’s “I have a dream” speech. Furthermore, conservatives claim that people should receive judgment for what is inside their pillows. Not the colour of their skin. 

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