Military Transgender

The uproar of conservatives against the transgender movement has always been a popular topic. However, the recent leaked memo alleges that transgender service members may be able to skip deployments and receive waivers for physical and fitness standards. Conservatives are not happy with this information. 

This 34-page memo that is currently on is providing information on the extensive benefits offered to military personnel who identify as transgender. Furthermore, at the beginning of President Biden’s term he began allowing transgender individuals to serve for the army.  

Since then, the Biden Administration is progressively expanding the benefits to this group. This is resulting in recognition and support from the Defense Department. There are several important things in the document which is available on Dossier. 

Conservatives disagreeing with transgender service members receiving special benefits 

Furthermore, Jordan Schachtel, the publisher of Dossier states that these individuals will receive exemption for 300 days if they’re taking hormones. In addition to this, he states that if an army personnel identifies as trans, they would not be accountable for the operations of their military service. 

Following that, conservatives are stating that these exemptions are hindering the military procedures and processes. The cons are that they cost more due to their hormone treatment, and they are not combat ready. A 28 year veteran states that he does not want to have someone who is in confusion with their own gender on the battle ground with him. 

Twitter users claim that the US military is now an LGBTQ+ club rather than its original purpose to protect Americans. Many are blaming the Democrats for the decline of American society. Furthermore, others state that even if a poll was done on this, a good chunk of Americans will still support this decision. 

Potential draft dodgers are claiming that they find this a cool way to avoid military combat. Furthermore, others are stating they’d rather wear a dress than fighting a war against the Russians. 

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